Register Review

Register Review enables you to view all register events associated to a specific course, staff, room, learner or exam.

Note: You must have the EBS4Registers licence to access Register Review.

To open the register view:

  1. Select the relevant resource from the Register Review drop-down in the Register menu. For the purpose of this example, Learner is chosen as the resource. The same steps can be followed for each other resource.

    Register - Register Review - Learner

    The Learner Search window is displayed.

  2. Use the search filter to find the learner you want to view in Register Review.

    Learner Search

  3. Select the learner from the results list to open in Register Review.

    Register Review screen

    The Register Review screen will display all registers associated with the selected room.

    Note: Use the horizontal scroll bar to display more weeks.

The fields on the Register Review screen are described in the following table:

This field Holds this information...
Description The description of the register event.
Date The start date of the register event.
Key The register event key.
Start The start time of the register event.
End The end time of the register event.
1-52 Each number represents the week number of the register event.

The marked duration against the resource on the register event.

Note: This includes positive marks only, negative marks will not be counted towards duration.

Pos The number of positive marks against the resource of the register event.
Neg The number of negative marks against the resource of the register event.
% Pos The percentage of positive marks against the resource of the register event.

By default the screen will display all registers for the current session which is set in the Options section. It is possible to amend this view using the Session and Weeks filter.

From the Register Review screen, you can: